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  • #0010:Want your kids to be super energetic, Try this!

#0010:Want your kids to be super energetic, Try this!

Education Next- tenth Edition

Reading time: 6.30 min

Hey 👋 - Hello, there!!

Isnt't it tiring to watch kids tired and exhausted.

Adi spends quite a lot of his time on the laptop that involves bending his body in an awkward position. As a result, he often complains about pain in his neck, shoulders, and back. I could see that he was exhausted and developing a bad posture.

Though he spends enough time playing outdoors he has not been stretching enough to fix the posture.

He is tired most of the day and refuses to sit straight, he prefers lying down most of the time.

I realised we needed something to fix this issue and we could not think of anything better than yoga.

We are not new to yoga, we have practiced yoga in the past but after I hurt my leg a couple of months back we were not practising yoga at all.

We have started our yoga practice a week back and I can see the change already. We are doing it every day for about 20 minutes first thing in the morning.

Yoga helps to improve flexibility, circulation, and strength. It also helps you to focus and be more aware of your body. There are different types of yoga and each one has its own benefits.

Yoga can be a great way to combat fatigue and restore energy levels. Research has shown that yoga can help increase energy levels and reduce fatigue. There are a variety of yoga poses that can help promote energy and fight fatigue.

Here are some of the best yoga poses for tiredness:

Cobra Pose- The cobra pose is a great way to open up the chest and lungs, which can help to increase energy levels.

Cow face: It improves the overall body posture.

Wheel pose: The wheel pose strengthens and lengthens the vertebrae, which increases the elasticity and flexibility of the spine.

Downward Dog: provides incredible balance for mind and body.

Seated Twist Pose:Can help to alleviate neck and upper back pain

If you want to read the article in detail to find the benefits of these asanas and read about asanas for full body, see the link in the end

Level Up For Your Kids

I have always loved Calvin and Hobbes strips and if you read the strips you will know how imaginative Calvin is.

We have always enjoyed reading Calvin and Hobbes, Adi got introduced to the books quite early and we would read them together. The characters of Calvin and Hobbes are such that they can make you laugh, think, cry, and everything in between. It reveals a lot about the creator of Calvin and Hobbes, Bill Watterson.

I have always admired Bill Watterson's writing style and the way he weaves together humor and profound thoughts. I think there are a lot of life lessons that can be learned from Calvin and Hobbes.

The quote below is taken from Watterson's speech given at Kenyon College on May 20, 1990

 At school, new ideas are thrust at you every day. Out in the world, you’ll have to find the inner motivation to search for new ideas on your own. With any luck at all, you’ll never need to take an idea and squeeze a punchline out of it, but as bright, creative people, you’ll be called upon to generate ideas and solutions all your lives. Letting your mind play is the best way to solve problems. 

Bill Watterson

If you are interested to read more about the views of Bill Watterson on creativity do read the full blog(link below)

Becoming Your Child's Best Friend

Mornings can be crazy with kids without a plan. But starting your day rushing around and shouting at kids to get things done can get everyone off on the wrong foot.

Jumping straight to tasks of the day can leave you feeling frazzled and stressed before the day has even begun.

To have a calmer morning I created a simple daily routine with my kid and tried to stick to it as much as possible.

  • We start our day with 20 minutes of yoga to relax and stretch ourselves.

  • We do 5-minute meditation 

  • We practise visualisation

  • We hold each other's hand and say these 5 affirmations together

I am Powerful

I am Strong

I am Kind

I am loved

I am looking forward to a great day.

  • I kiss my son and tell him that I love him.

I have seen the changes in my son's behavior and my mornings are no longer chaotic. I don't dread the sound of the alarm in the morning anymore.

I hope you also give it a try and see how it works for you and your family.

Quote of the Week

 Play is a concept that fills our minds with contradictions when we try to think deeply about it. Play is serious, yet not serious; trivial yet profound; imaginative and spontaneous, yet bound by rules and anchored in the real world. It is childish, yet underlies many of the greatest accomplishments of adults. From an evolutionary perspective, play is nature’s way of ensuring that children and other young mammals will learn what they must to survive and do well

-Peter Gray

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cheers, Priyanka

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