#0021: I said yes to everything my son asked

Education Next-Twenty first Edition

Reading time: 8.0 min

Hey đź‘‹ - Hello, there!! Hope you had a great week.

Ma, I want to have yes day my son told me. What's a yes day? I asked. A yes day is when kids get to say yes to everything for a whole day! he said. That sounds like a lot of fun, I said. And it would be a great way to celebrate your birthday!.. So that's what we did. We had yes day on his birthday, and it was a blast! We said yes to everything he wanted to do, no matter how crazy it sounded.

He wanted to go to the water park, he picked who should come with us in the car, we went out to eat as he wants, and he got to choose what we did for each activity that day. In the latter half of the day, he chose to listen to music and spend time writing reflections. It was a great day, and I'm so glad we did it!

I would definitely recommend celebrating a yes day with your kids. It's a great way to let them have control for a day, and it's also a lot of fun! Plus, it's a great way to show them how much you love them.

But most importantly it will help you get a perspective of what they really want and how they want to spend their time.

I realized how we micromanage our kids' lives and how we say no to a lot of things that they want to do. It was a great way to let go and just have fun! And I, think that's what childhood is all about.

The best thing was how my son and my niece took charge of the day and made sure everyone was having fun. They were the leaders, and they did a great job! They had a good plan for the travel, they packed food and water for the way.

In the water park, they took charge of making sure everyone had sunscreen on and that we had what we needed. It was so sweet to see them taking care of everyone and having a great time doing it!

They even had planned what slides we should try so that we don't waste much time in line. My son alerted me about the slides that looked dangerous and which ones looked like a lot of fun.

My niece was so smart in managing her things and she gave me a heads up on where the changing room was so that I could change into my bathing suit. They were both so helpful and made sure everyone was safe and happy!

There was no fuss about leaving the water park because we didn't have to give them any instructions, they just knew what to do. They got everyone's things and made sure we had everything we needed before leaving.

It was such a relief for me, and I was so happy that they could take charge like that. It made me realize how capable they are, do we underestimate our kids a lot?

I think we do. We think they can't handle things or that they're not old enough to take on responsibility. But they are, and they can! They just need us to give them a chance.

Try Yes Day with kids.

If you want to read the full article on this topic, find the link at the end

Learning Zone

Lessons from a Kulfiwallah (kind of ice-cream)

Today as a sat in my office far from the road I heard the soft bells of the kulfiwallah from the street but it was not as simple as running on the street to get my kulfi. It brought back all those memories of being a kid and the happiness I used to feel. My mind took me on a nostalgic journey and I decided that I will get my son his favorite kulfi today.

I called him up from the office and told him to come down to the streets, He was very happy and excited to get his kulfi. I ordered two of his favorite flavors and we enjoyed them to the fullest. It was a great feeling to connect with my son over something so simple as kulfi and I am sure he will always remember this day.

But there were other angles to it as well. I realized that in this fast-paced life, we often forget to connect with our kids on a simple level. We are so busy chasing our goals and ambitions that we forget to enjoy the small moments of happiness. Kulfi brought me back to my childhood and helped me connect with my son in a special way. It was a great reminder that we should always cherish the small moments and enjoy them to the fullest. Life is too short to not enjoy a kulfi on a hot summer day!

Adi being curious asked me many questions while we enjoyed our kulfis, this way kulfi became a learning lesson for him as well. He learned about different flavors,

how kulfi is made and why it is so special to us.

How do they make kulfi? Is it local?

How much the kulfi wala is able to make and is it enough for him to support his family-

We discussed these topics in detail and it was a great learning experience for Adi.

If you want to read the full article on this topic, find the link at the end

Conscious Bonding

When children have a heartless fight, it's often because they're feeling upset or left out. Other times, it may be because they feel like they have to defend themselves. No matter the reason, it's important to help your child learn how to resolve conflict without resorting to violence.

Here are a few tips for dealing with children who are fighting with their cousins:

1. Don't take sides. It's important to remain neutral when your children are arguing with their cousins. Taking sides will only make the situation worse and could cause long-term damage to your relationship with both children.

2. Try to stay calm. It can be difficult to see your children arguing, but it's important to try to remain calm. Getting angry and yelling will only make the situation worse.

3. Encourage them to talk it out. Once the initial arguing has died down, encourage your children to talk to each other about what happened. Help them to understand that fighting is not the answer and that they need to communicate with each other if they want to resolve their differences.

4. Offer mediation. If your children are still having difficulty resolving their issues, you can offer to mediate. This means that you will help them to talk through their problems and find a solution that everyone can agree on.

5. Set limits. If the fighting between your children is becoming physical, it's important to intervene and set some limits. Explain to them that hitting or hair-pulling is not acceptable and offer alternatives for solving their disagreements.

If you want to read the full article on this topic, find the link at the end

cheers, Priyanka

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Recommendation of the week

Adi has been reading The Famous Five series. He strongly recommends the series to kids who loves to read adventure books.

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