#0042: Looking for a beach vacation?

Education Next-forty second Edition

Reading time: 8.10 min

Hey !!👋

How are you guys doing? We are back after a short vacation in Varkala, Kerala.

A must needed vacation after a long time, we were attending a destination wedding.

Adi could hardly resist the beach and the pool in the resort.

You can hardly recognise him because of the tan he got from the heat and chlorine in the pool.

Watching the Arabian sea from the cliff was an amazing experience for us.

I loved the beach life,

Waking up early and walking near the beach or start the day with yoga practice,

Having a hearty breakfast and meeting people from different countries was all amazing.

The sound of the waves crashing against the rocks was very soothing and calming if you stood near the cliff at night

It was an amazing experience dancing till midnight with friends on Bollywood numbers.

We learned a lot on this trip - how to enjoy the little things in life, how to appreciate the beauty of nature, and how to be content with what we have.

Thanks to this trip, we could take back some of the most beautiful memories and make them a part of our life forever.

Find the link to the full blog below

Learning Zone

Adi loves to create,

He has been looking to create a hydroelectric power generator or wind turbine. It was supposed to be part of his science project at school.

He collected plastic spoons, paper cups, wires, and batteries from home.

It took him a lot of glue guns to stick all the spoons to make a fan, but it was worth it.

Half of the project was done but we did not receive the DC motor and LED lights on time thus he could not complete the model.

In between, we had to travel so he missed the presentation day of his project.

I was glad that this did not affect Adi, he was still very excited about inventing something new. He is now looking forward try the model he made, I can't wait for it myself.

Conscious Bonding

Bonding over travel and long layovers

Adi had been counting the days before his vacation.

Children are always excited about travels but when it comes to the final day of the trip, things might not look the same.

The drama starts from the check-in at the airport and continues till the time you reach your home.

Thanks to so many chargers and gadgets we usually carry, this only makes the security check cumbersome and tiring.

You can try different things like giving them the responsibility to carry one bag or passing on some items from one place to another.

This will make them feel important as well as keep them busy for some time.

How to keep kids busy in longer layovers and during flight delays is a difficult task.

But you can make even the most boring situations fun and interesting for your kids.

  1. Play Games

  2. Read Books

  3. Watch Movies or TV Shows

  4. Listening to music

  5. Explore the Airport

  6. Do some research about the vacation together

  7. Take a Nap

With a little creativity, you can make a longer layover a fun and memorable experience for the whole family.

Find the link to the full blog below

cheers, Priyanka

Recommendation of the week

We love watching this creator Morley Kert on Instagram

He offers free repairs from his solar powered, 3D printing station.

We are very inspired with how he helps people.

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