#0065: Did you find who you are?

Education Next- Sixty fifth Edition

Reading time: 9.07 min

Hey !!πŸ‘‹

This week let's read about:

  • Why do you want to choose the alternate schooling path for your kid?

  • Adi bonds with his grandmother in a very cute way

  • Self-discovery and unschooling conversation with my friend

As a parent, the decision to venture into alternative education paths for our children is much more than just a shift in schooling; it's a journey of self-discovery that transforms not only our children's lives but also our own.

When I took this path for my son 3 years ago, I expected it to be an educational journey for him but instead, I found myself expanding my own view of parenting and learning so much about the power of parental choice.


β€œAnd you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?”

― Rumi

Exploring a New Path:

The first step was accepting that there were multiple paths to quality education. Every family has different needs and desires when it comes to their children's upbringing, and the traditional system cannot always provide that.

By embracing alternative education approaches, we began to understand the value of looking beyond conventional paths in order to tailor a meaningful educational experience for our children. We also learned how important it is for the parents to be just as involved in their child's learning journey, if not more!

That's why it's important to ask oneself, why are we taking this path and what do we hope to gain from this journey?

I think for most parents unschooling/homeschooling journey starts by asking themselves a lot of questions

This introspective process sets the foundation for a successful and fulfilling journey, where parents can tailor their children's learning experiences to suit their individual needs, interests, and aspirations.

I've put together a set of thoughtful questions designed to help you navigate the exciting world of alternative learning for your kids.

By exploring these questions, you'll gain a deeper understanding of your motivations, values, and goals.

Imagine having a compass to navigate through the challenges and joys of alternative learning.

Learning with Adi

I secretly admired Adi when I saw him bonding with my mom this week. He gave her a face massage after a tiring day she had. It was something he thought of on his own, and I could see how happy it made her.

Moments like these are the beautiful little moments that make life so much more meaningful. Adi's thoughtfulness, compassion, and care for my mom were heartwarming and made me realize how much he cares about her.

It just goes to show that even the smallest gestures can bring so much joy. We should all take a moment to appreciate those in our lives who bring us happiness, no matter how big or small. Sometimes, it's the little things that count.

I hugged Adi and said thank you for his thoughtful gesture and thanked him for making my mom's day. It was truly a beautiful moment that will stay with me always.

Conscious Bonding

🌟I had an amazing chat with my friend who's living the unschooling life with her kid in the beautiful Canary Islands. We talked about how this journey has led her down a path of self-discovery, deschooling, and breaking free from traditional educational norms.

πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ She said the first step was like "making the slate clean," wiping away preconceptions. Starting over allowed her child's curiosity to shine, and it's been a journey of self-discovery from there. It's wild how our own beliefs sometimes get in the way of our kids' natural learning instincts.

πŸ’‘She mentioned that we've all been sort of "put through this machine" called the traditional education system. But what if that path isn't for everyone? "The thoughts of children will never fit in," she said. And the more she felt the need for freedom, the more she wanted to help others find their unique paths too.

🌟 "I always wanted to be like this," she shared. Her journey took her deep into questioning everything – beliefs, truths, motivations. It's all about following your heart and, above all, fostering love and respect.

🌟 "It's vital to recognize what isn't your journey," she emphasized. Not everyone's path is the same, and that's totally okay. Human skills, the ability to connect, empathize, and communicate, hold a lot of value.

The takeaway here is that some of us seek to nurture our child's individual passions, while others want to create a flexible learning environment that adapts to their needs.


β€œThe only journey is the one within.”

― Rainer Maria Rilke


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