#0078: How to live your dream life?

Education Next- Seventy eighth Edition

Reading time: 9.15 min

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EducationNext is a collaborative newsletter produced by thought leaders in education, worldschooling, digital nomadism, remote work, and AI.

EducationNext provides insights, updates, and thought-provoking content. The collaborators share their know-how/ do-how, experiences, and insights, making EducationNext the resource for the intersection of education, technology, and mobility - anytime, anywhere.

EducationNext is backed by the #MaNaBuMovement


  1. Future of Living : Creating a dream life

  2. Future of Learning : Learning with Nature

  3. Building Skills: The significance of skill-development in young people

  4. Inspiration : 10 year old speaks at the Lead Network Webinar

Future of Living

Life in Bansko

In the heart of Bansko, Andreas and his family paint a picturesque scene where majestic mountains stand sentinel, forming a breathtaking backdrop to their daily lives.

The image captures a serene and idyllic moment, with carefree children swinging, their bare feet grounding them to the earth, embodying the simplicity of joy.

Nature, in this setting, transforms into an open-air classroom, where the beauty of the surroundings becomes the curriculum.

Andreas shares the enchanting ambiance, describing how the mountains become not just a scenic view but an integral part of their family's learning journey.

Nestled against the mountainous canvas, a cozy cafe adds a touch of warmth and community to the scene.

The scattering of autumn leaves on the grass weaves a vibrant tapestry, symbolizing the changing seasons and the transient essence of life in Bansko.

The sun, positioned behind, bathes the tableau in a soft, golden glow, enhancing the sense of tranquility and beauty.

In this harmonious blend of learning and living, Bansko becomes more than a location; it is a playground for exploration and discovery.

Bansko's growing digital nomad population is at its most visible during the festival, but that's only half the story. According to online resource Nomad List, the town is the world's "most-consistently growing remote work hub" of the last five years. Since 2018, it has grown by 231%, more than Warsaw, Madrid and tech media darling Tallinn.- BBC Travel

Future of Learning

It is possible for families to create a purposeful and organic learning environment that aligns with the principles of freedom, nature, and individualized education.

Here are some ideas and thoughts to help you articulate this:

Embracing Home Education:

Families aspiring for a more natural learning environment often turn to homeschooling. This approach allows parents to tailor the curriculum to their child's interests, pace, and learning style. Learning can be seamlessly integrated into everyday life, with opportunities for exploration and discovery beyond the confines of a traditional classroom.

Integrating Nature into Learning:

Infuse the learning process with the wonders of nature. Whether it's conducting science experiments outdoors, reading under a tree, or exploring local ecosystems, nature becomes an extension of the classroom.

Bansko is now home to more than 300 remote workers in any given month, with the population surging during ski season. - BBC Travel

Encouraging Curiosity and Inquiry:

Promote a culture of curiosity where questions are valued, and the pursuit of knowledge is driven by the child's interests.

Recently, a groundbreaking AI workshop was hosted in Bansko led by international expert Arta Statovci, supported by the MaNaBu Movement, marking a significant milestone.

This event not only empowered the participants to delve into the marvels of AI but also symbolized Bansko's commitment to fostering a learning environment where the realms of nature and technology seamlessly converge.

Flexible Scheduling:

Move away from rigid schedules and allow for flexibility in daily routines. This flexibility accommodates the natural ebb and flow of a child's energy and curiosity. Learning doesn't only happen during designated "school hours" but throughout the day in various settings and activities.

Fostering Community and Social Learning:

Create opportunities for children to interact with peers of different ages and backgrounds. This can mimic the natural social structures found in communities, allowing for diverse social learning experiences.

Swing Time for Kids

Building Skills

The Significance of Self-development and Growth in Young People

Self-improvement and growth play a pivotal role in the development and well-being of young people.

Identifying Areas for Inner Development in Youth

To embark on the journey of self-development, young individuals must first identify the areas in which they can grow and improve.

By recognizing their strengths and weaknesses, young people know where to direct their attention and energy.

Understanding one's strengths provides a solid foundation for personal growth. It allows young individuals to leverage their natural talents and abilities to excel in various aspects of life.

For example, someone who excels in communication skills may choose to develop further in public speaking or writing. Recognizing these strengths enables youth to build upon them, enhancing their overall capabilities.

On the other hand, identifying weaknesses is equally important. It helps young people acknowledge areas that require improvement and prompts them to take action. By addressing these weaknesses head-on, they can turn them into strengths through consistent effort and practice.

For instance, if someone struggles with time management, they can work on building better organizational skills or creating effective routines.

Passions and interests play a significant role in guiding personal development efforts among young individuals.

When they identify what truly excites them, it becomes easier to channel their energy into activities that align with their passions. This not only fosters enthusiasm but also allows for more focused growth in specific areas of interest.

For instance, if environmental conservation is a core value, a young person may focus on developing sustainable habits or engaging in activities that promote eco-friendly practices.

Determining areas of improvement empowers young individuals by providing direction for setting meaningful goals. By pinpointing specific aspects of themselves that they wish to enhance or develop further, they can establish clear objectives that contribute to personal growth.

Whether it's improving emotional intelligence, developing leadership skills, or cultivating resilience, having a clear focus allows youth to make progress in their desired areas.

Youth Inspiration

This week, Adi and I had the incredible opportunity to talk at the NextGen Chapter organized by the Lead Network, initiating a powerful conversation on the significance of building meaningful connections across generations.

During our discussion, Adi eloquently described a meeting with a CEO, highlighting the profound value he felt when his opinions were not only acknowledged but genuinely respected.

His insight underscored a fundamental truth: that age should never be a barrier to the recognition of valuable ideas.

Adi's narrative served as a testament to the importance of fostering an inclusive environment where even the youngest voices are given the space to be heard.

The Lead Network's NextGen Chapter has proven to be a catalyst for these essential conversations, ensuring that the voices of the future are not only heard but also celebrated.

We will share the video as soon as its available.

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