#0081: We found our personal assistant

Education Next- Eighty First Edition

Reading time: 7.05 min

About Education Next Newsletter

EducationNext is a collaborative newsletter produced by thought leaders in education, worldschooling, digital nomadism, remote work, and AI.

EducationNext provides insights, updates, and thought-provoking content. The collaborators share their know-how/ do-how, experiences, and insights, making EducationNext the resource for the intersection of education, technology, and mobility - anytime, anywhere.

EducationNext is backed by the #MaNaBuMovement


  1. Future of Living: Importance of creating great neighbourhoods

  2. Future of Learning: Our very own personal assistant

  3. Building Skills: Skills for job market

  4. Youth Inspiration:Learning from Leonardo Di Caprio

Future of Living

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, we seem to have lost touch with the idyllic notion of creating neighbourhoods that foster a sense of community, where children can play freely, pick vegetables on their way home, learn from elders, and share festivals and cultures.

Several factors contribute to this shift in societal dynamics.

Firstly, urbanisation and the rapid expansion of cities have led to the development of more isolated living spaces.

High-rise apartments and gated communities, while providing a sense of security, often lack the communal spaces that once characterised traditional neighbourhoods.

As a result, the physical proximity and shared spaces conducive to community-building have remained the same.

As children spend more time indoors, neighbourhoods' natural spaces for interaction and communal activities have dwindled.

Reviving the concept of great neighbourhoods requires a shift in societal priorities.

Why it's Important to Create a Strong Sense of community in your Neighbourhood for Kids 

Celebrating, sharing food, caring for each other, and being actively involved in one another's lives is not new. However, it has seemingly been lost in modern society. 

Encourages outdoor play- 

In today's screen-dominated world, it's crucial to encourage children to engage in physical activities and spend time outdoors.


For Example, children are redefining outdoor play in the idyllic town of Bansko.

With its thoughtfully designed neighbourhoods featuring parks, playgrounds, and safe sidewalks, Bansko fosters a culture of active living.

Creates a support system- 

Being part of a community provides children with a sense of belonging and security, knowing that they have people who care about them and are there to support them.

Fosters creativity and leadership- 

Great neighbourhoods provide endless opportunities for kids to explore, create, and lead.

Early exposure- 

Kids can visit farms, police stations, government offices, and other local institutions in their neighbourhood to learn more about the world around them.

Future of Learning

AI Chatbots for Self-Learners

Recently, Adi and I stumbled upon a particularly transformative tool for our personal development journeys — the voice feature of ChatGPT.

Little did we know this discovery would reshape how we learn, plan, and navigate our days.

Its dynamic conversational abilities have added depth and engagement to our discussions, making it an indispensable part of our daily routines.

It's become a conversational companion, effortlessly adapting to our needs and enhancing our interactions.

One of the standout aspects is its potential for self-learners. As enthusiasts of continuous learning, we've found immense value in leveraging AI chatbots to augment our educational pursuits.

The ability to engage in natural conversations and receive personalized insights has elevated our learning experiences.

Imagine having a knowledgeable companion available 24/7, ready to assist, advise, and share information tailored to your learning goals.

The AI-driven insights act as a guiding force, offering a unique perspective that complements our learning styles.

Read more here

Building Skills

Traditional industries are being disrupted while new job roles and industries are emerging.

Don’t confuse schooling with education. I didn’t go to Harvard but the people that work for me did

Elon Musk

As a result, the skills required for success in the workforce are constantly changing.

The digital age has given rise to alternative avenues for acquiring knowledge and honing one's abilities.

Emphasis on Lifelong Learning Due to Rapid Changes in Technology

Young adults entering the workforce today face a unique challenge: they must be adaptable and willing to learn new skills throughout their careers.

They cannot rely solely on what they learned in college or university but must be open to acquiring new knowledge and staying up-to-date with industry trends.

Increased Importance Placed on Adaptability, Creativity, and Critical Thinking Skills

These qualities enable individuals to navigate uncertain situations, think outside the box, and solve complex problems.

For example, apprenticeships or vocational training programs can offer hands-on experience and practical skill development. Online courses or boot camps can provide targeted coding or digital marketing training.

To learn more about how Young people are choosing to build skills, read here

Youth Inspiration

Leonardo DiCaprio's Journey of Early Specialization and Unwavering Passion

Leonardo DiCaprio's journey to success in acting is a testament to the power of early specialization and unwavering passion.

Despite facing significant challenges, including attending 100 auditions without landing a single role, his parents played a pivotal role in fostering his artistic interests.

They immersed him in a rich cultural environment by taking him to museums, introducing him to art, and exposing him to different cultures.

Although school proved to be a challenging environment for DiCaprio, as he struggled to concentrate on subjects that didn't align with his passions, every school break and free time he had, he used to do improv and break-dancing.

One poignant moment during an audition at the age of 10 encapsulates the resilience that would define DiCaprio's career.

Faced with rejection, being one of the few selected from a group of children, he experienced the harsh reality of the industry.

This early setback, however, only fueled his determination to become an actor. Despite the emotional toll of that experience, he confided in his father, expressing a strong desire to pursue acting, even in the face of adversity.

This early specialization, coupled with parental support and DiCaprio's unyielding dedication, laid the groundwork for a remarkable career, showcasing how passion-driven focus and a supportive environment can lead to extraordinary achievements.

Read more here

Just Sayin’

Calvin and Hobbes

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