#0102: We are trapped.

Education Next- Hundred and two Edition

Reading time: 7.15 min

About Education Next Newsletter

EducationNext is a collaborative newsletter produced by thought leaders in education, worldschooling, digital nomadism, remote work, and AI.

EducationNext provides insights, updates, and thought-provoking content. The collaborators share their know-how/ do-how, experiences, and insights, making EducationNext the resource for the intersection of education, technology, and mobility - anytime, anywhere.

EducationNext is backed by the #MaNaBuMovement

Hello All, 

I research and write about how education needs a change, how parents create alternate learning ways, and how young people develop skills to be better prepared.


There is a fear that if kids don’t go to school, they don’t get into college, they don’t have degrees to signal, they don’t have the job.

So everyone follows the most safe path,

We also know that :

So then, what can we do?

  • Learn from people who are changing the narrative.

  • Learn what and how young people can create their learning path.

  • Learn how the world is changing and how we can be better prepared.


  • Subscribe to our newsletter.

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  • If you want to support our journey, go here.

  • Want to talk about your work and your journey, discuss being featured in our blog, want to consult us?

    Email me here - [email protected]

88 thought leaders

This week we feature Michael Strong, he is a leading voice in AI education, who sits down with us to discuss the following:

  • The Importance of Following a Child's Interests: We'll explore why nurturing your child's natural curiosity and supporting their unique interests is crucial for fostering a love of learning.

  • Entrepreneurial Parents: Empowering the Next Generation: Michael sheds light on how parents with an entrepreneurial mindset can encourage their children to pursue their passions and become innovative thinkers.

  • The Rise of Microschools: We explore the growing trend of microschools and how they can provide children with a more personalized and engaging learning environment.

  • Actionable Tips for Parents: Michael shares practical advice on how parents can make a positive difference in their children's educational journey and equip them with the skills and knowledge to thrive.

For Parents

Gary Vaynerchuck says modern parenting may be like raising zoo animals if you don’t let your kids be free and independent.

With good intentions, parents often lavish their children with affection and material comforts, inadvertently sheltering them from the harshness of reality.

"Let them stand on their own 2 feet … 👣 they are capable .. more capable than you think … the adversity will lead to happiness .. hard, I get it … but this is a bigger deal than people think... Kids do not like the help as much as they say, there's a lot here" - Gary Vaynerchuk.

Podcast with Adi

Bangalore is running out of water, and the weather is hotter than it used to be. What are we missing?

What can we fix to live a more sustainable life? Adi and I discussed it and how we follow small practices to be more mindful in using resources.

Advice for Young Kids

You learn nothing from success, says Ed Sheeran

Ed Sheeran started singing very early, and it was when he turned 18 he truly honed his craft and could write the A-team.

Over those years, he dedicated himself to learning the intricacies of harmony, honing his performance skills, and mastering the art of singing in tune.

Edhseeren transformed himself from a novice singer to a seasoned professional through sheer determination and practice.

Success only happens after a period of time, you have to be rubbish, people will laugh at you. 

- Ed Sheeran.

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