#0114: Every kid needs this skill.

Education Next- Hundred and Fourteenth Edition

1Reading time: 4.05 min

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Hello All, 

This week we are in Gujarat.

Meeting friends, unschooling families.

We are learning about different ways of living and thriving.

While the society has always taught us to be scared about the future,

We often ignore what excites us because we hardly get the time to figure that out.

We are always in a rush to achieve, get another certificate, get another reward.

Parents always get stressed about the future,

they start pushing kids to another tuition class or other extracurricular class.

Kids keep taking one class after the other until they no longer know what excites them.

That is when young people start suffering, they are lost.

You never get to explore, You never get to figure out what you would like to do.

You need to change this, you need to slow down.

You need to get off the wheel, you need to talk to people, and you need to learn about what interests you.

It can involve wasting time and that’s fine.

It's okay to be bored, it's okay not to stay busy all the time.

I am sharing the below post which was sent by my friend Andreas Wil Gerdes,

it shows how kids find ways to have good times when they are free.

“Most learning is not the result of instruction. It is rather the result of unhampered participation in a meaningful setting. Most people learn best by being "with it," yet school makes them identify their personal, cognitive growth with elaborate planning and manipulation.” Ivan Illich, Deschooling Society

As you know we have been travelling and covering alternate learning and living, If you want to Support our journey - Buy us a coffee.

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Every kid needs this skill

You always plan activities for kids,

that’s why they always want to know what’s next.

This creates a lot of pressure on parents.

Kids become too dependent on you.

You expect them to get permission for everything,

hence they stop being independent.

You need to stop hovering over them so much that they cannot learn to occupy themselves.

They need to learn to be bored, find ways to be productive, and find ways to live with themselves.

They need to create their goals, plans or daily activities.

It’s very important to learn these skills.

Let them figure out how they want to spend their time,

Let them have the responsibility.

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