#0118: Are we failing ot show love?

Education Next- Hundred and eighteenth Edition

1Reading time: 6.00 min

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Hello All, 

I hope you are doing great.

Have you wondered how the society has conditioned you to stay in the race,

the race to compete, be a winner, be everywhere.

In all the attempts to stay ahead, score good marks,

are you failing to understand kids?

Are you waiting for them to reach their milestone in their own time,

or are you comparing them with others and getting stressed?

The standardized scale created by society rushes you to measure your kids.

You are always worried about their maths and science; you forget to celebrate their uniqueness in that rush.

All the expectations are too much to handle, and you forget to show love in that chase.

In this race, we forget to show kids the importance of families, and respecting each other,

we forget to show them that emotions are important,

that waiting for someone is important,

Show them:

-to listen to their heart,

-to say no when they feel like,

-that they don't have to listen to us all the time,

-that they can share their feelings if they need to,

the question is will you teach your kids to listen to their heart?

Formal sports vs Informal sports

Which training is better for real life, the informal or formal game?

Peter Gray: The answer seems clear to me. Real life is like an informal game. I’m tempted even to say that real life is an informal game.

The rules are endlessly modifiable, and you must do your share to create them. There are in the end no winners or losers; we all wind up in the same place. Getting along with others is far more important than beating them.

What matters in the end is how you play the game, how much fun you have along the way, and how much joy you give to others.

These are the lessons of informal social play, and they are far, far more important than learning the coach’s method for throwing a curve ball or sliding into second base.

Great documentary to watch with kids

Story of six players from Delhi's Zamrudpur village who have been selected into the Indian national Ultimate Frisbee team.

The film dives into the sport, the areas where the players grew up, and how the sport has changed their lives and impacted their circumstances.

Pick my Brain

Are you curious about the world of alternate learning, learning journey or how to make travel a central part of your life?

Do you have questions about my journey with my son, or how we travel? Are you looking to connect with others and wondering how homeschooling works in India? I'm here to help!

What You Can Ask Me:

  • Travel: Tips for travelling with kids, finding meaningful travel options, and creating a learning-focused journey for your family.

  • Alternate Learning: Insights into my journey with my son, exploring homeschooling, unschooling, and other non-traditional education methods.

  • Connecting with Others: How to connect with like-minded individuals and communities in India and internationally.

  • Homeschooling in India: How are people homeschooling in India, what are the learning spaces to explore?

  • Personal Learning Plans: Guidance on helping your child create a personalized learning plan that aligns with their interests and goals.

  • Mentorship and Guidance: Support and mentorship to navigate your child’s unique educational journey.

    Book a session here - https://priyankamodi.gumroad.com/l/asydc

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